How To Look Slim & Your Best in Photos!

Not everyone has a crowd of paparazzi’s following them daily, but when that camera comes out for the individual or group shot you want to have faith that one picture is going to be the best picture. The art of taking perfect pictures is a skill that we believe only models and celebs contain, but you are wrong! Taking a fabulous photograph is based on knowing your angles and having confidence. Let’s begin!


No matter how much you try to avoid it, everyone has a double chin. If you don’t believe me, then try sticking your chin to your neck in a mirror. In order to diminish that turkey neck stick your tongue on the roof of your mouth. This process collects all of the loose skin from your jawline. In may be odd when you first smile while doing it, but it’s useful. Models and celebrities all across the world use this trick.

The next tip is to always be aware of how you position your body. This picture is a prime example. Guess which girl in the picture is 20 years old and which one is 16 years old. Well Ariana Grande, right, is actually 20 and Kylie Jenner, left, is 16. You wouldn’t expect that due to Kylie’s mature stance. This is the proper pose for a woman. The slight angle embraces your curves and having one foot in front of the other makes it look more sophisticated. Keeping a straight back makes Kylie look longer.

Taking pictures in direct sunlight is one of the worst things you could do when taking a picture. It forces your eyes to squint and water. Your face will develop forehead wrinkles and awkward shadows that will make your face look wider. Makeup in direct sunlight doesn’t show through the best and it is just painful to pose in. Go for shaded areas that offer natural sunlight.

The next trick is having a tan, especially on your legs. Tanned legs shine better on the camera and make you look leaner. I actually haven’t gotten a spray tan since June so I feel you pale girls every where. I will most likely be getting a Mystic Tan for Fall. Using a self-tanner or spray tan is the best possible way than UV tanning because it is healthier.

Pictures taken at a down angle that snap your whole body from farther away flatters females the most. Taking pictures from an upward angle that are really close to your face can make your nose look 2x larger than it actually is. The downward angle elongates your legs and makes you look taller. This angle is truly for full-body shots though, for example a fashion photograph.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Mammu
    Sep 16, 2013 @ 06:10:15

    Great post! Thank you for the tips and I’ll try to keep them in mind next time I’m being photographed šŸ˜‰ Have a beautiful week =)


  2. Trackback: Posing tips for models by Jen Brook | sandra keddie photography

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